Enrichment of Au-rich rims of disseminated pyrite in hydrothermal systems

Published: 19 June 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zv24wctzw5.2
Jianan Fu


TABLE 1. Summary of Common Textures and Interpreted Timing for Sulfide Types at the Liba Gold Deposit. TABLE 2. LA-ICP-MS Data Showing Mean, Minimum, and Maximum Element Concentrations (in ppm) for Pyrite from the Liba Gold Deposit. TABLE 3. Incorporation Energies for Impurity. TABLE 4. Comparison of Calculated and Experimental Lattice Parameters for Minerals and Structures Employed in This Study. TABLE 5. Sulfur Isotope Data of Gold-Associated Pyrites in This Study (‰). TABLE S1. Trace Element Concentrations (in ppm) for Each Pyrite Type from the Liba Deposit. TABLE S2. Chemical compositions of arsenopyrite at the Liba gold deposit Fu+et+al._vasp_INCAR



Geology, Economic Geology, Geochemistry
