Production process optimization of Sterculia Foetida Methyl Esters (Biodiesel) using Response Surface Methodology

Published: 14 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zvg4jshg3m.1
Vinod Babu Marri


Data corresponding to codes and levels used in central composite design of RSM for trans-esterification was shown in table A1. Table A2 presents the data corresponding to design of experiments and Table A3 shows the optimization criteria. Fig. A1 presents the data of residuals and fitted values for both the responses. The details of individual desirabilities and composite desirability are shown in fig. A2. This figure shows the optimized values of all the input factors for obtaining the responses as desired.



National Institute of Technology Warangal


Constrained Optimization, Coding in Methodology, Response Surface Methodology, Method of Mean Weighted Residuals
