Experimental Investigation of FDM printing properties using desktop printer
This dataset is part of the research project titled "3D Printing Process-Performance Relationship for PETG Using Desktop Fused Deposition Modeling Additive Manufacturing", conducted at Texas A&M University at Qatar. The dataset is organized into two main sheets: "4x4x4x4 FactorialDesign" and "Results". ## 4x4x4x4 FactorialDesign Sheet This sheet contains the experimental setup and tensile test results for various 3D-printed specimens using PETG filament. Each row represents a different combination of experimental conditions. ### Key Columns - **G-Code, Pattern**: Identifiers for specific printing patterns used. - **Print Orientation, Raster Angle, Infill Pattern**: Specifications of printing orientation, angle, and pattern used. - **InFill Density**: Percentage of fill density in the printed specimen. - **Modulus, UTS, Yield Strength, Fracture Elongation**: Mechanical properties measured during testing. - **Printer ID, Filament Color, Filament Production Date, Filament Status**: Details about the printer and filament used. - **Dimensions (Width, Thickness, Length)**: Various measurements taken from the specimens. ## Results Sheet This sheet provides detailed measurements from tensile testing of the 3D printed specimens. ### Key Columns - **Width, Thickness**: Physical dimensions of the tested specimens. - **Tensile Strength, Percent Elongation at Break, Modulus**: Key mechanical properties. - **Area, Break Stress**: Cross-sectional area and stress at which the specimen broke. - **Stress At Strain Points (01 to 08)**: Stress values at specific strain points during testing. - **Yield Index, Break Index, Peak Index**: Indices used to measure different characteristics. ## Usage Instructions - Ensure to review all parameters and testing conditions before analyzing the data. - Cross-reference G-Code and Pattern identifiers with testing results for comprehensive analysis. # Additional Information This data should be used in conjunction with the metadata file provided to understand the context and methodology of the research. For further information, please refer to the contact details in the metadata file.
Steps to reproduce
G-Code data are based on Prusa Slicer using default settings