The Impact of Infrastructure Investment and Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of Bangladesh

Published: 16 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zvxchs4hd2.1
Shazib Howlader


The Impact of Infrastructure Investment and Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of Bangladesh


Steps to reproduce

COMMANDS FOR STATA *Doing ln gen GDP=ln( gdp ) gen GFCF=ln( gfcf) gen Final_consumption=ln( finalconsumption) gen FDI=ln( fdi) rename year Year *Dropping Unnecessary Variables drop gdp gfcf finalconsumption fdi *Declearing time series variable and finding optimal lag tsset Year, yearly var GDP GFCF Final_consumption FDI varsoc GDP GFCF Final_consumption FDI *Stationarity check ADF on level dfuller GDP, lags(1) dfuller GFCF, lags(1) dfuller Final_consumption, lags(1) dfuller FDI, lags(1) *First Differenciation gen gdp=d.GDP gen gfcf=d.GFCF gen fconsumption=d.Final_consumption gen fdie=d.FDI *First difference stationarity check with ADF and PP dfuller gdp, trend lags(1) dfuller gfcf, trend lags(1) dfuller fconsumption, trend lags(1) dfuller fdie, trend lags(1) pperron gdp, trend lags(1) pperron gfcf, trend lags(1) pperron fconsumption, trend lags(1) pperron fdie, trend lags(1) *Finding Cointegration *(*For Model 1*) vecrank GDP GFCF Final_consumption FDI, trend(constant) lags(1) max *(*For Model 2*) vecrank FDI Final_consumption GFCF GDP, trend(constant) max *Vector Error Correction Model 1 vec GDP GFCF Final_consumption FDI, trend(constant) lags(1) *Vector Error Correction Model 2 vec FDI Final_consumption GFCF GDP, trend(constant) lags(2) *Some Diagonistic Test veclmar vecnorm, jbera vecstable *Decomposition cusum6 GDP GFCF Final_consumption Exchange_rate, cs(cusum) lw(lower) uw(upper)


World Bank


Economic Growth of Open Economy
