cnf1+pks in ApcMin/+ mice
Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients are frequently colonized by colibactin-producing Escherichia coli (CoPEC) (>40%), which enhances tumorigenesis in mouse models of CRC. We observed that 50% of CoPEC also contains the cnf1 gene, which encodes cytotoxic necrotizing factor-1 (CNF1), an enhancer of the eukaryotic cell cycle. The study "Cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 hinders colon tumorigenesis induced by colibactin-producing Escherichia coli in ApcMin/+ mice" provides evidence that CNF1 decreases the carcinogenic effects of CoPEC in ApcMin/+ mice by decreasing CoPEC-induced cellular senescence and inflammation. Raw data from mice and cells culture used in the study. Raw patient data used in the study were obtained from previous studies of laboratory. Data specifically used are provided.
Steps to reproduce
We evaluated the impact of CNF1 on colorectal tumorigenesis using human colonic epithelial HT-29 cells and CRC-susceptible ApcMin/+ mice inoculated with the CoPEC 21F8 clinical strain (Clb+Cnf+) or 21F8 isogenic mutants (Clb+Cnf-, Clb-Cnf+ and Clb-Cnf-).