"Recommended versus Certified Repositories: Mind the Gap"
This data set supports the paper "Recommended versus Certified Repositories: Mind the Gap". In this paper, we examined which repositories are recommended and/or certified by a number of organisations. We analysed the selection criteria for recommendation and certification to create a shared set of possible best-practice criteria (umbrella categories) suggested to be used by all parties involved with data repositories. This data set includes our compiled list of recommended repositories by 12 organisations (see file), our compiled list of certified repositories (certified by the DSA, ICSU-WDS, NESTOR, TRAC, and ISO 16363/TDR), the criteria used to recommend repositories, the criteria used to certify repositories (both latter files include the steps taken in the analysis towards the distillation of the criteria into the umbrella categories), a list of the examined repositories against their focus-discipline, and a comparative list of the examined recommended and certified repositories to depict overlap between the two. All files include links to the relevant sources of information.