Experimental data for test the WPS tier and quality report: results of the quality control service
This dataset contains the results of the WPS tier and quality report presented in the thesis "Automatic evaluation of geospatial data quality using web services". The thesis' main goal was to develop a web service able to evaluate the quality of geospatial datasets using the standardized interface of Web Processing Service (WPS) in a fully automatic way. WPS is an open specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) that defines an interface aiming to publish, use, discovery and binding geospatial processes. In the proposed architecture of the quality control service, the WPS tier plays the role of interface between clients and the evaluation procedures. This dataset contains the files used in the experiment to test the implementation of the WPS tier, which includes the quality reports. In order to test the WPS tier, we ran three essays, one for each service developed: (w1) topological consistency service, (w2) completeness service, and (w3) positional accuracy (planimetry) service. These services implement quality evaluation procedures described in the Brazilian standard of geospatial data quality, named CQDG (http://www.geoportal.eb.mil.br/). We tested these services using data from the matching testbed (https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata2017180). These essays are summarized in Fig_Overview_of_requests.png. The first essay, named W1, checked the topological consistency service. There are four requests: w1-01 to w1-04, with their correspondent responses. The W2 essay evaluated the implementation of the completeness service. This essay has four data inputs: (1) Test: the test dataset (matching testbed S7P); (2) Reference: the reference dataset (matching testbed B7P); (3) ScaleDenominator: the scale of test dataset, used in sampling (1:25,000); and (4) SamplingStrategy: the sampling strategy to be adopted when calculating the commission and omission rates. There are six requests: w2-01 to w2-06, with their correspondent responses. The last essay for the WPS tier, named W3, evaluated the implementation of the positional accuracy (planimetry) service, which accomplishes the automatic quality procedures for positional accuracy of planimetry in the Brazilian standard. The output values are: (1) CQDG:301: the value of quality category; (2) ER90: 90% percentile of planimetric errors; and (3) RMS: root mean square (RMS) of planimetric errors. They can be combined into a quality report in ISO 19157-2 XML format. There are 33 requests: w3-01 to w3-03, w3-040 to w3-049, w3-140 to w3-149, w3-240 to w3-249, with their correspondent responses. The first three requests used the dataset S1A (see matching testbed), and the last 30 requests used 10 datasets with random disturbance with a standard displacement of 5 m (see matching testbed).