PyFEST - a Python code for accurate frequency estimation

Published: 4 July 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/zxfxd59554.3
Gilbert-Rainer Gillich,


The data consist of an application, namely PyFEST, written in Python language, and a file with instructions to install and use the application. It can be used to estimate the frequencies of short-time signals with high accuracy. Along with the application, examples with generated signal (single-ton, multi-tone, noisy, damped etc.) and measured signals are delivered for testing purposes. The frequencies of the harmonic components are evaluated one-by-one with high accuracy. Because the actions performed do not imply previous expertise, the results are not influenced by human intervention.


Steps to reproduce

The steps are described in the Readme.txt file.


Universitatea Eftimie Murgu din Resita


Signal Processing, Frequency Estimation, Structural Health Monitoring
