Data for developing a regional productivity indicator by the use of the Shift-Share method.
This file regards the study "The EU effect on regional inequality, Shift-Share method revisited". Data contains the calculated productivity indicator and Theil rate regional indicator. These regional macroeconomic indicators that served to build productivity indexes refer to statistical data collected from open source. Central Statistical Office of Poland provides publicly available information on the macrodata. Since the data concerns regions the NUTS-3 administrative level of the information was harnessed for the sub-regions in Poland. To be able to observe change in productivity two years data was collected the 2005 and 2018. Regional economics is in the context of productivity measure that is a novelty since the shift-share method for it is used. Development of the macroeconomic indicators is to assess the regional economic convergence of Polish NUTS-3 regions after the EU accession.
Steps to reproduce
Collection of Polish NUTS-3 data for the number of employed and the value added from labour in the control and treatment year (2005 and 2018).