Spin Echo MRI-based spatial permeability estimation technique for carbonate rocks
An original technique enabling the estimation of spatial permeability in conventional carbonate rocks based on Spin Echo MRI. The MATLAB code included in this dataset resolves slice permeability in xy, xz and yz planes passing through the acquired MR images. The algorithm takes into account the low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LF-NMR) and Mercury Intrusion Capillary Pressure (MICP) data used for calibration purposes. Both the code and raw MRI, LF-NMR and MICP data for two samples are available. The authors reserve the right to use the entire dataset or its parts on behalf of an upcoming scientific publication.
Steps to reproduce
To compute the slice permeability please follow the instructions in the code. Slice permeability is estimated based on the SDR equation. The SDR equation should be calibrated prior to launching the code. Slice porosity is computed using MRI data calibrated to whole-sample LF-NMR porosity. The T2-log mean term is solved by echo time vs. signal amplitude bi-exponential curve fitting. Exemplary acquisition parameters are available from the dataset.