Dataset to: Constraints on rice cultivation in eastern Madagascar: Which factors matter to smallholders and which influence food security?

Published: 12 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zyt8j3ntms.1
Saskia Dröge,
, Alexandra Rasoamanana, Nilsen S. Andrianantenaina,


Dataset to the manuscript: "Constraints on rice cultivation in eastern Madagascar: Which factors matter to smallholders and which influence food security?" Abstract of the manuscript: In the eastern rainforests of Madagascar, rainfed rice cultivation remains prevalent despite efforts to encourage uptake of irrigated systems to reduce deforestation. We used detailed agricultural surveys with a stratified sample of 171 households to investigate farmer perceptions of constraints on, and productivity of, irrigated and rainfed rice, and their actual yields. Irrigated rice had higher yield returns per area and labour unit, but farmers typically perceived the type of rice cultivation as more productive they practiced themselves. Pests, weeds, and soil fertility were stated as limiting yields in rainfed systems while water and infrastructure were relevant in irrigated systems. Households of higher food security had access to irrigated rice farming, indicating greater household wealth, higher total rice yields and owned more livestock. To increase food security and to reduce pressure on forests, agricultural development schemes need to target both households with and without access to irrigable land. Files in the dataset: - Data table results limitations on rice cultivation - Data table with yield data and characteristics of rice plots surveyed - Data table with characteristics of all plots surveyed - Data table with results aggregated at household level and used for GLM - R Script GLM explaining food security of smallholders - PDF with variable abbreviations used within the study and dataset as well as their explanation



Ecology, Rice, Agricultural Development, Food Security
