Multi-omics and Machine Learning Analysis of Human Plasma to Identify Biomarkers in Patients with Post-COVID Condition

Published: 27 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zyzt62gbrw.1
Mobin Khoramjoo


this data was used to generate the results presented in the articles Sequential multi-omics analysis identifies clinical phenotypes and predictive biomarkers for long COVID in Cell Reports Medicine and Multi-omics and Machine Learning Analysis of Human Plasma to Identify Biomarkers in Patients with Post-COVID Condition in STAR protocol. ( These analyses aim to identify correlations between biomarkers and clinical variables, cluster patients based on their multi-omics profile, and find predictive biomarkers in patients infected by SARS-CoV-2, which is applicable to biomarker studies performed in various diseases.



University of Alberta


Proteomics, Cytokines, Metabolomics
