Data for: Dissolved organic carbon leaching flux in a mixed agriculture and forest watershed in Rwanda
Provided data presented in this article data include monthly LDOC per LULC (Table 1), monthly LDOC per site (Table 2), biweekly and monthly stream DOC (Table 3), soil properties such as percent content of clay, silt, sand, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), cation exchange capacity (CEC) (Table 4), soil hydrological properties (Table 5), rainfall characteristics including rainfall amount and rainfall intensity (Table 6), and rainfall soil storage and runoff (Table 7) for the RRW. All data were used to analyze DOC leaching dynamics and identify their potential implications for stream DOC in the watershed. Additionally, the data can be used for soil and inland water degradation analysis, and therefore for developing a better understanding of the effects of ongoing environmental change on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem function.