Great Lakes Regions violent conflict dataset
The Great Lakes Regions violent conflict dataset link is a collection of multi-source datasets of x and y locations of conflicts and their attributes in Excel format, shapefiles, and pdf maps, which significantly contributed to the findings of the article "Geovisualization and spatial modelling of armed conflicts in the Great Lake Region of Central and East Africa". Part of it (excel format and shapefiles) which were obtained was obtained freely and downloaded online from various organizations, including the Congo Research Group (CRG), the UN Global Pulse (Uganda Project), the International Peace Information Service (IPIS), and mainly the Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset Project (ACLED). Other datasets were data processing results from a doctorate study on the application of Geographical Information Systems to conflict resolution in that region. Great Lake Region and administrative boundary zip files of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda obtained free of charge and downloaded are included in this dataset. Included. Additional data are included, including Excel tables, shapefiles, and hard copies maps on the future probability of armed conflict occurrence. This dataset is freely available and may be downloaded and used to contribute to future conflict resolution and peace-building studies.
Steps to reproduce
Datasets in an Excel table format were saved in a comma-separated values (CSV) table format to facilitate their importation and display in ArcMap. In a GIS platform (ArcMap), data from these sources often presents alignment challenges due to different standards, coordinate systems and formats. However, this was not the case in this dataset because data from different sources were in the same coordinate system (Geographic coordinate system), requiring no further reprojection. Data were pre-processed, including scanning, importing, georeferencing, image transformation and geocoding. During the pre-processing, analogue historical maps containing rebel positions and mineral locations were scanned, imported, georeferenced, transformed, geocoded, and digitized as vector files in ArcMap software.