Micro-segmentation in C2C e-Marketplaces

Published: 4 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zzx5kw6cy9.1
Manuel Luis Lodeiros,


The data contains information about six variables. Micro-segmentation, customer satisfaction (CS), brand loyalty (BL), trust (TR) and brand equity (BE). The data was used to evaluate how the micro-segmentation strategies developed by C2C e-marketplaces positively influences on customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, trust and brand equity.


Steps to reproduce

The data was collected using an online questionnaire. Moreover, the data was cured and coded. The scales used were evaluated using the Likert scale from 1 to 5. Nineteen items were used to measure the six constructs. Those items were coded using the variable abbreviation and a correlative number. As an example, the first item to evaluate customer satisfaction was coded as CS1. Finally, the data file was saved as .csv and analysed using the software Smart-PLS, version 3.8


Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas


Marketing, Consumer Shopping Behavior, Commerce
