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Analytica Chimica Acta

ISSN: 0003-2670

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Datasets associated with articles published in Analytica Chimica Acta

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1970 2025
76 results
  • Data for: Dynamic binning peak detection and assessment of various lipidomics liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry pre-processing platforms
    Extracted ion chromatograms and meta data of spiked-in internal standards and program code of dynamic binning implemented in XCMS.
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Electrochemical Aptasensor for Exosomal Proteins Profiling Based on DNA Nanotetrahedron Coupled with Enzymatic Signal Amplification
    the result of western blot, exosome and Au TEM
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  • Data for: Refractive index-assisted UV/Vis spectrophotometry to overcome spectral interference by impurities: applications from impurity analysis to salinity and protein measurements
    It is a study on matrix effects and a new refractometric method that can help analytical techniques like UV/Vis spectrophotometry deal with matrix effects, specifically, spectral interference. Spectral interference due to matrix impurities is a primary reason that hinders the large-scale application of simple analytical techniques like UV/Vis spectrophotometry in complex samples like those in food, beverage, environmental and other industries. There are lengthy studies on the effects of possible interferents in specific cases. However, current approaches to ensure the absence of huge spectral interference errors are either slow or costly unless all possible impurities are known. We have introduced a simple, cost-effective, and rapid, refractive index-based technique which can assist UV/Vis spectrophotometry for detecting and reducing spectral interference in many of these cases. We verified it in more than ten solvents. We also performed more studies on its application in impurity analysis and its capability in detecting interference errors in the standard UV spectrophotometric methods for protein concentration measurement and salinity determination. We hope that the results would encourage the use of this new technique in certain branches of analytical chemistry. This dataset contains the data which was used for the figures and discussion of the results in the original manuscript. It includes, among others, 1) The UV spectra and refractometric measurements of benzene and N, N-Dimethylaniline in cyclohexane 2) Lorentz Lorenz mixing rule applied to refractometric measurements of benzene in ten different solvents (acetonitrile, n-butanol, cyclohexane, CCl4, p-xylene, toluene, o-xylene, chlorobenzene, N, N-Dimethylaniline and aniline) 3) Qualitative analysis of impurity compounds using Pearson's correlation coefficient, refractometry and UV spectrophotometry 4) The refractometric and UV spectrophotometric standard curves of protein and artificial seawater. Interference effects of DNA, RNA, lysozyme and Triton X-100 on protein (BSA) analysis and nitrates and nitrites on salinity measurement are included in the original paper.
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  • Data for: The in situ technique of aqueous binding concentration and diffusion for measurements of arsenate concentrations in lake waters
    measurements of light absorbance in a binding solution by a paired LED. the binding solution is used in a diffusive gradients technique for pre concentration of arsenate in water.
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  • Data for: Molecularly imprinted polymer sensors for analysis of CA-125 on serum
    Data_CA-125_calibration_ electrochemical - Calibration curve made from the data provided by the SWV technique, using the standards with the concentrations of ranging from 0.01 to 1000 U/mL of CA-125, in PBS buffer, pH 7.2 (P1 to P10) and data duplicate (P1_dup to P10_dup) and triplicate (P1_trip to P10_trip). Data_polimerization_electrochemical - Electropolymerization with pyrrol by CV in PBS (pH 7.2), one cycle (1cycle), five cycles (5cycles) and ten cycles (10cycles). Data_CA-125_calibration_ optical - Calibration curve made from the data provided by the SPR technique, using the standards with the concentrations of ranging from 0.01 to 1000 U/mL of CA-125, in PBS buffer, pH 7.2 (Calibration_P1 to P8 and Calibration_P9 to P10). Data_construction_optical - Electropolymerization with pyrrol by CV in PBS (pH 7.2), one cycle (1cycle) and two cycles (2cycles). SPR_sensorgramme recorded from the electropolymerization process.
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  • Data for: Longitudinal and quantitative assessment platform for concurrent analysis of anti-tumor efficacy and cardiotoxicity of nano-formulated medication in vivo
    Animations: Raw data of pseudodynamic 3D imaging: The reconstructed 3D animations of zebrafish heart upon PBS (Control), free doxorubicin (Free-DOX), Tf-ReSi-Au NPs bare nanocomposite (ReSi) or doxorubicin-loaded Tf-DOX-ReSi-Au NPs nanoparticles (ReSi-DOX) treatments in retro-orbital at 0, 1 and 2 day post injection (D0, D1, D2).
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  • Data for: Library-Assisted Nonlinear Blind Separation and Annotation of Pure Components from a Single 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Mixture Spectra
    Data contain library comprised of 160 pure components 1H NMR spectra, as well as 1H NMR spectra of urine samples of 33 patients with diabetes type 2 and 30 control subjects.
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  • R FiBiCo script for: Targeting bioactive compounds in natural extracts - Development of a comprehensive workflow combining chemical and biological data
    R FiBiCo script related to the publication : "Targeting bioactive compounds in natural extracts - Development of a comprehensive workflow combining chemical and biological data" This bioinformatics script (encoded with R Studio software) is based on the combination of four statistical models (Spearman, F-PCA, PLS, PLS-DA). After uploading a data matrix containing peak area information and associated bioactivity data (originating from a bioactive extract), it allows to generate of a “Super list” of potential bioactive compounds together with a predictive score. After defining the parameters in the first step corresponding to your own data (filepath, number of groups, colours, ..etc), select all lines (CTRL+A or CMD+A) and run all lines (CTRL+Enter).
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  • Data for: Contribution to second-order calibration based on multivariate curve resolution with and without previous chromatographic synchronization
    Experimental data: chromatographic-spectral data matrices and concentrations, both for calibration and validation. Simulations: MATLAB codes for generating chromatographic-spectral data matrices, rotational ambiguity estimations and synchronization of elution time profiles
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  • Normal-inverse bimodule operation Hadamard transform ion mobility spectrometry
    In order to suppress or eliminate the spurious peaks and improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of Hadamard transform ion mobility spectrometry (HT-IMS), a normal-inverse bimodule operation Hadamardtransform - ion mobility spectrometry (NIBOHT-IMS) technique was developed. In this novel technique, anormal and inverse pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) was produced in sequential order by an iongate controller and utilized to control the ion gate of IMS, and then the normal HT-IMS mobility spectrumand the inverse HT-IMS mobility spectrum were obtained. A NIBOHT-IMS mobility spectrum was gainedby subtracting the inverse HT-IMS mobility spectrum from normal HT-IMS mobility spectrum. Experimental results demonstrate that the NIBOHT-IMS technique can signifificantly suppress or eliminate thespurious peaks, and enhance the SNR by measuring the reactant ions. Furthermore, the gas CHCl3 andCH2Br2 were measured for evaluating the capability of detecting real sample. The results show that theNIBOHT-IMS technique is able to eliminate the spurious peaks and improve the SNR notably not only forthe detection of larger ion signals but also for the detection of small ion signals.
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