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51 results
- Data for: Rapid root assimilation of added phosphorus in a lowland tropical rainforest of French GuianaUptake rates of N and P in mg/10cm²/14 days measured with PRS ion exchange probes. These were inserted into different plots fertilized with N, P or NP (and a control) at different times after fertilization to observe changes in soil nutrients following fertilization. Each plot had a series of root exclusion collars that had previously cut all roots and probes were inserted both inside and outside these collars. This allowed us to determine the effects of root uptake on the dynamic of available N and P fin the soil ollowing fertilization.
- Dataset
- Data for: Stage-dependent assembly of soil microbial communities during secondary successions in two subtropical forestsASVs tables used in this study. Sequences were rarefied to the smallest sample size for prokaryotes and fungi in TT and DH sites.
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- Data for: Iron-bound carbon increases along a freshwater−oligohaline gradient in a subtropical tidal wetlandSoil properties and plant biomass: salinity, pH, bulk density, moisture content, ORP; aboveground and belowground biomass; root Fe piaque; Enzyme activity and bacterial abundance: cellobiohydrolase, phenol oxidase, Geobacter and Gallionella; Solid-phase Fe species: non-sulfidic Fe(II), Fe sulfides, amorphous Fe(III), crystalline Fe(III) and molar Fe(II):Fe(III) ratios; Soil C and Fe-bound C pool: SOC pool, molar OC:Fe ratio, Fe-bound C pool and the ratio of Fe-bound C pool to SOC pool.
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- Data for: Nitrogen addition alters composition, diversity, and functioning of microbial communities in mangrove soils: an incubation experimentData for soil variables, enzyme activities, microbial biomass, and microbial respiration
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- SSOILOILData for: Interannual variability in precipitation overshadows the effects of N fertilization and mowing on soil and plant diversity in a semiarid grasslandThe files include data used in statistical analysis and the related codes in R.
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- Data for: Microbial responses to selected pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils: Microcosm study on the roles of soil, treatment and timeThis dataset evaluates microbial responses to pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils which may improve essentially our understanding of micropollutants fate and their potential implications to the environmental and human health. In this study, we focused on immediate (1 d), short- (13 d) and long-term effects (61 d) of pharmaceuticals amendment on microbial changes in seven soils differing in physical chemical properties. The data include dictionaries of used soils, treatments, parent compounds and their metabolites, and measured fatty acids. Degradation of the individual pharmaceuticals as well as their mixture are shown in folder "analytics", and raw observation data for basal respiration and phospholipid fatty acids are given in respiration.csv and PLFA.csv. The code to run these data will be publicly open on GitHub upon publishing the scientific article of the same name.
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- Data for: The consistency of home-field advantage effects with varying climate conditions through timeDataset of our manuscript.
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- Data for: Earthworms accelerate the biogeochemical cycling of potentially toxic elements: Results of a meta-analysisThis dataset was complied from a systematic review of published articles used to conduct a meta-analysis on the impact of earthworms on the mobility and plant uptake of potentially toxic elements
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- Data for: Is litter decomposition enhanced in species mixtures? A meta-analysisThis database belongs to a meta analysis on litter mixture decomposition. Published data was included when the research on litter mixture decomposition used litterbags and two species mixtures. Litter quality, environment and experimental design are recorded as well as mass loss in percentage
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- Data for: Partitioning sources of CO2 emission after soil wetting using high-resolution observations and minimal modelsMean-summarized extraction and respiration data used for testing models in "Partitioning sources of CO2 emission after soil wetting using high-resolution observations and minimal models".
- Dataset