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Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

ISSN: 0167-8442

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Datasets associated with articles published in Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

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1970 2024
6 results
  • Data for: Compressive intralaminar fracture toughness and residual strength of 2D Woven carbon fibre reinforced composites: New developments on using the size effect method
    Supporting data for: "Compressive intralaminar fracture toughness and residual strength of 2D Woven carbon fibre reinforced composites: New developments on using the size effect method" by Dalli et al, 2019
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  • Data for: Experimental and numerical study on the interaction between holes and fissures in rock-like materials under uniaxial compression
    Research data of this revised manuscript
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  • Data for: The Development of a Novel Small Ring Specimen Tensile Testing Technique
    The wide scale use of small specimens in routine testing programs could significantly reduce material resource requirements (factors of 10 are easily achievable). This is a major benefit to situations where there is not enough material to manufacture conventional, full-size specimens, such as first-stage gas turbine blade roots. However, limitations exist due to concerns over size effects, manufacturing difficulties, uncertainties related to the application of representative loading conditions and complex interpretation procedures of non-standard data. Due to these limitations, small specimen testing techniques have been mostly applied in ranking exercises and to determine approximate or simple material parameters such as Young’s modulus, minimum creep strain rate and fracture toughness. The small ring method is a novel, high sensitivity small specimen technique for creep testing that has been extended in the present work to the determination of tensile material properties. The main advantages of the small ring specimen are that it is self-aligning and has a large equivalent gauge length in comparison to other small specimens, resulting in much higher testing sensitivity. In the present work, this specimen type mimics conventional, full-size, monotonic testing, allowing for observations of elastic and plastic material response to be made. Wrought aluminium alloy 7175-T7153 small rings were tested at room temperature at 5 different loading (displacement) rates and the results compared to conventional, full-size, monotonic specimen equivalents. Finite element analysis was conducted in order to evaluate the equivalent gauge section and equivalent gauge length in the small ring specimen (which varied between circa 0.35-1.4mm2 and 25-45mm, respectively) to facilitate these comparisons. An analytical solution has also been derived in order to validate the finite element analysis.
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  • Data for: Notch effect on the fracture of a polymeric film
    This dataset contains the results of performing the plane stress fracture toughness of a bio-based copolyester using double edge notched tension specimens. Specifically, the load-displacement and the ligament length-displacement curves are presented. From these curves, the EWF, the J-integral, and the crack tip opening displacement approaches have been applied in a unique set of specimens. The influence of the notch quality on the fracture parameters has been also studied by using two different notch sharpening procedures, the femtosecond laser ablation, and the razor blade sliding.
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  • Data underlying the publication: Acoustic Emission Approach for Identifying Fracture Mechanisms in Composite Bonded Joints: A Study on Varying Substrate’s Stacking Sequence
    The dataset shared here contains the acoustic emission raw data of quasi-static mode I crack propagation tests in secondary composite adhesively bonded joints. Five adhesively bonded tailored composites with different stacking sequences were manufactured and tested. The specimens underwent several damage mechanisms, including cohesive failure, delamination, fibre breaking and fibre-matrix debonding.The dataset is divided into different folders, with the specimen identification described here: Moreover, two types of files will be saved in each folder: .tradb (transient waveforms recorded during the tests) and .pridb (file that includes all the parameters recorded for each waveform).An additional folder named Load versus Displacement contains the experimental curves taken from the quasi-static mode I test.
    • Dataset
  • Data underlying the publication: Acoustic Emission Approach for Identifying Fracture Mechanisms in Composite Bonded Joints: A Study on Varying Substrate’s Stacking Sequence
    The dataset shared here contains the acoustic emission raw data of quasi-static mode I crack propagation tests in secondary composite adhesively bonded joints. Five adhesively bonded tailored composites with different stacking sequences were manufactured and tested. The specimens underwent several damage mechanisms, including cohesive failure, delamination, fibre breaking and fibre-matrix debonding.The dataset is divided into different folders, with the specimen identification described here: Moreover, two types of files will be saved in each folder: .tradb (transient waveforms recorded during the tests) and .pridb (file that includes all the parameters recorded for each waveform).An additional folder named Load versus Displacement contains the experimental curves taken from the quasi-static mode I test.
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