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Progress in Neurobiology

ISSN: 0301-0082

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Datasets associated with articles published in Progress in Neurobiology

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1970 2024
5 results
  • Transcriptional regulatory network of developing mouse telencephalon
    In mouse, a vesicle forms at the anterior part of the developing embryo at 9.5 day/stage (M9.5), which further develops into telencephalon at M10.5 day/stage. The equivalent stages in chick embryo are referred to as HH17 and HH24. We sequenced RNA populations from telencephalic region at the early (M9.5 and HH17) and late stages (M10.5 and HH24) of mouse and chick embryo. Four samples were sequenced for each stage of telencephalon development. The resulting RNA sequencing reads were used to assemble transcripts and for counting their abundance. The read counts for each transcript then used to compute its differential expression between M9.5 and M10.5 stages in mouse. Likewise, each chick transcript was compared between H17 and HH24 stages. Genes having significant p-values with positive log2 -fold change represent increased expression at developmental stage B (late) compared to stage A (early) and are referred to as up-regulated (UP). Likewise, genes with negative log2-fold change represent decreased expression at stage B compared to stage A and are referred to as down-regulated (Down, DN). Gene expression with p-values above 0.05 was considered non-significant and represents no change between stage B and stage A and is referred to as no change (NC). Genes with read count roughly less than five in less than four samples were considered not expressed and referred to as NE. These four groups of genes were further categorized into sixteen groups based on the expression status of mouse and chick gene orthologs. These sixteen gene groups; UP, DN, NC, and NE mouse gene groups; and a gene group composed of all differentially expressed genes in mouse (DEG), were submitted to iRegulon Cytoscape plugin for predicting their transcriptional regulatory factors. These gene groups and iRegulon prediction results for each of the groups are provided as datasets. Using significant iRegulon prediction results, we reconstructed transcriptional regulatory network for mouse telencephalon development, which is also provided as network file. In addition to a single excel file containing results for some of the gene groups where we found meaningful connection between the predicted transcription factors and their differentially expressed targets genes.
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  • Gene expression dynamics during the embryonic development of mouse and chick telencephalon
    In mouse, a vesicle forms at the anterior part of the developing embryo at 9.5 day/stage (M9.5), which further develops into telencephalon at M10.5 day/stage. The equivalent stages in chick embryo are referred to as HH17 and HH24. We sequenced RNA populations from telencephalic region at the early (M9.5 and HH17) and late stages (M10.5 and HH24) of mouse and chick embryo. Four samples were sequenced for each stage of telencephalon development. The resulting RNA sequencing reads were used to assemble transcripts and for counting their abundance. The read counts for each transcript then used to compute its differential expression between M9.5 and M10.5 stages in mouse. Likewise, each chick transcript was compared between H17 and HH24 stages. The raw read counts for transcripts and their differential expression results between early and late stages of development are provided here.
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  • Data for: The activity of the prelimbic cortex in rats is enhanced during the cooperative acquisition of an instrumental learning task
    Fig. 2 – Dataset Behavioral data obtained from 6 rats during the three operant conditioning stages shown in Figure 2 Fig. 3 – Dataset Each .txt file contains LFP amplitudes recorded in the PrL cortex, used for analyzing and representing of the spectra shown in Figure 3 during ON and OFF platform trials for the individual phase. Fig. 4 - Dataset Each .txt file contains LFP amplitudes recorded in the PrL cortex, used for analyzing and representing of the spectra shown in Figure 4 during ON and OFF platform trials for the simultaneous phase. Fig. 5 – Dataset Rats adopted different behavioral strategies when cooperating (leader vs. follower). The Dataset 1.xls file includes the behavioral data shown in Figure 5A. The txt. files in Dataset 2 contain LFP amplitudes used for analyzing and representing of the spectra shown in Figure 5B, C. (Individual phase data). Fig. 6 – Dataset Rats adopted different behavioral strategies when cooperating (leader vs. follower). The Dataset 1.xls file includes the behavioral data shown in Figure 6A-E. The txt. files in Dataset 2 contain LFP amplitudes used for analyzing and representing of the spectra shown in Figure 6F, G. (Simultaneous phase data). Figure 7 – Dataset Dynamic changes in LFP activities at the PrL area of leader and follower rats throughout individual and simultaneous phases. The .txt files contain LFP amplitudes used for analyzing and representing of the spectra shown in Figure 7. Supplementary Figure 1 The .xls file contains individual learning curves for all rats during the three phases of learning. Supplementary Figure 2 The .xls file contains the data of the velocity and distance moved for all rats during the different experimental phases and conditions showed in Supplementary Figure 2. Supplementary Figure 3 Inter trial representation of the power peak frequency. Each .txt file contains LFP amplitudes recorded in the PrL cortex for the different groups of rats (leader and followers) and phases (individual and simultaneous) of the experiment.
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  • Single-cell recordings from three cortical parietal areas during an instructed-delay reaching task
    IsSupplementTo: Diomedi, S., Vaccari, F. E., Filippini, M., Fattori, P., Galletti, C. (2020). Mixed Selectivity in Macaque Medial Parietal Cortex during Eye-Hand Reaching. IScience, 23(10), 101616. (
    • Dataset
  • Single-cell recordings from three cortical parietal areas during an instructed-delay reaching task
    IsSupplementTo: Diomedi, S., Vaccari, F. E., Filippini, M., Fattori, P., Galletti, C. (2020). Mixed Selectivity in Macaque Medial Parietal Cortex during Eye-Hand Reaching. IScience, 23(10), 101616. (
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