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15 results
- Data for: Forward and backward walking in Parkinson disease: A factor analysis.This excel file contains raw gait parameter data for Parkinson disease patients who performed forward and backward walking both OFF and ON levodopa medications. This file also contains control data.
- Dataset
- Data for: Balance and the Brain: A Review of Structural Brain Correlates of Postural Balance and Balance Training in HumansThis dataset summarizes findings from our review of the literature. All analyses in our paper our performed on this dataset.
- Dataset
- Data for: The influence of different technical marker sets upon hip kinematics during gaitThe data provided within this file details and compares hip joint kinematics calculated using different technical marker sets, the specific technical marker sets and the code used to describe these within the file is provided within the first worksheet
- Dataset
- Data for: The effects of running a 12-km race on neuromuscular performance measures in recreationally competitive runnersBiomechanics data for "The effects of running a 12-km race on neuromuscular performance measures in recreationally competitive runners".
- Dataset
- Data for: How normal is normal: consequences of stride to stride variability, treadmill walking and age when using normative paediatric gait data.This workbook contains supplementary material for the article: How normal is normal: Consequences of stride to stride variability, treadmill walking and age when using normative pediatric gait data. There are 6 worksheets in addition to this one: Population Demographics, Spatiotemporal, Joint Rotations, Joint Moments, Joint Powers and CROP as plotted in figures of article. Each of the worksheets contains data from the treadmill and overground walking conditions. Row: Variable name with positive/negative sense indicated where appropriate. Example Pelvic Up/Down Obliquity means that Up is positive, Down is negative. Row presented as 0-100% gait cycle MEAN, followed by 1SD per % gait cycle (colums CZ onward) . Consecutive blue shading defines Treadmill data.
- Dataset
- Data for: Does Dynamic Tape change the walking biomechanics of women with greater trochanteric pain syndrome? A double-blind randomised controlled crossover trial.This data was used to evaluate if there were any 3D biomechanical changes in women with GTPS during walking gait. We also evaluated the women's point in time pain.
- Dataset
- Data for: Fractal analysis of gait in people with Parkinson’s disease: three minutes is not enoughSupplementary data S1. Experimental stride time series. ‘StrideTimeIntervals_3minTrials’ is divided by groups, then within each group the 3-min trials are presented continuously for all participants (i.e., column 1 to 5 correspond to 3-min trials 1 to 5 from Subject 1; column 6 to 10 correspond to 3-min trials 1 to 5 from Subject 2; etc.). ‘StrideTimeIntervals_15minTrial’ is divided by groups, then within each group the 15-min trial time series (truncated to 512 strides) are found.
- Dataset
- Data for: 6th Vital Sign App: Testing Validity and ReliabilityValidity data for a 2 minute normal walk speed test
- Dataset
- Data for: A ‘Fingerprint’ of locomotor maturation: motor development descriptors, reference development bands and data-setRaw data collected by triaxial wearable inertial sensors (sampling frequency, 128 Hz). 14 complete strides for both NW and TW are included for each trial of each subject, together with the additional information for each participant: sex, age, height, weight. 3D acceleration and 3D angular velocity of trunk, right and left shanks are available (for each sensor position, the first three columns correspond to x, y and z acceleration component and the last three colums to x, y, and z angular velocity component, respectively). Inertial sensor positions and axis orientation are shown in the attached Figure.
- Dataset
- Data for: Dynamic walking stability of elderly people with various BMIsRaw data recorded by a 15-camera motion analysis system at 60 Hz (Motion Analysis Corp., Santa Rosa, CA, USA).
- Dataset