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226 results
- Data for: Spatial decomposition analysis of NO2 and PM2.5 air pollution in the United StatesThis dataset includes the yearly decomposed concentrations of four spatial components ("long-range", "mid-range", "neighborhood", "near-source") for PM2.5 and NO2 for the contiguous United States, from year-2000 to year-2015. Each file contains one pollutant and one year (indicated by the last two digits of the year). The concentrations are at the census block level. The unit of concentrations is ug/m3 for both pollutants. Variable names: "block_fip" identifies the block; "longitude" and "latitude" indicate the longitude and latitude of block centroid; "COMPONENT_YEAR" indicate the component and year. Please cite this article when using this dataset: Yuzhou Wang, Matthew J. Bechle, Sun-Young Kim, Peter J. Adams, Spyros N. Pandis, C. Arden Pope III, Allen L. Robinson, Lianne Sheppard, Adam A. Szpiro, and Julian D. Marshall. "Spatial decomposition analysis of NO2 and PM2.5 air pollution in the United States." Atmospheric Environment, 241, 117470. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117470. Link:
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- Data for: Aerosol impacts on fog microphysics over the Taiwan Strait in April from 2015 to 2017Fig8_data: Vertical profile of simulated mean microphysical properties in fog events Fig11_data: Fog-day anomalies at Kinmen , ONI in DJF, and Niño 3.4 index in January for 2005–2019.
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- Data for: Sulfate aerosol sources in urban Peru identified by sulfur stable isotopes and water-soluble ionsAerosol PM2.5 filter sample chemical data including eater-soluble ion and stable sulfur isotope data from Arequipa, Peru.
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- Data for: PM2.5 sources affecting particle radioactivity in Boston, Massachusettsdaily concentrations of elements, black carbon (BC), PM2.5 mass, and gross α- and β-activity levels of Boston samples in July 2005 to June 2006
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- Data for: Source apportionment at a megacity in China using a new PTT-PMF modelDataset
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- Data for: Are the phosphate oxygen isotopes of Saharan dust a robust tracer of atmospheric P source?The filters were divided into dust storms and background according to remote sensing data from the MODIS instrument, operating on both the Terra and Aqua spacecraft. The MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth layer uses the Optical Depth Land and Ocean parameter from both the Terra (MOD04_L2) and Aqua (MYD04_L2) satellites, which view the entire surface of the Earth every one to two days (NASA Worldview).
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- Data for: Evaluation of CMAQ modelling sensitivity to planetary boundary layer parameterizations for gaseous and particulate pollutants over a fjord valleyLocations' data (observed and modelled) and simulation outputs for individual PBL schemes
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- Data for: Identifying and modelling fugitive nickel dust emissions from a steelworks site in Sheffield, UKDataset for paper "Identifying and modelling fugitive nickel dust emissions from a steelworks site in Sheffield, UK"
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- Data for: Rate Constants for Reactions of OH Radicals with Halogenated PropenesSupplementary Information on tables of experimental conditions and the observed values of OH reaction rate constants of halogenated propenes; Integrated infrared absorption band strengths; Comparison between calculated and observed OH reaction rates; Optimized substituent factors for OH reaction rate; Figures of pseudo-first-order decay of OH for various (Z)-CF3CCl=CHCl concentrations; Pseudo-first-order rate constants corrected for background value, k’ - kd against (Z)-CF3CCl=CHCl concentration for various temperatures; References cited in the Supporting Information. Supplementary Information on a table of digitized infrared cross section data of halogenated propenes between 400-2500 cm-1 obtained with spectral resolutions of 1 cm-1
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- Data for: Source - Receptor Relationships for Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in the Context of Global ChangeSupporting Information for "Source – Receptor Relationships for Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in the Context of Global Change"
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