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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

ISSN: 1618-8667

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Datasets associated with articles published in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

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1970 2024
37 results
  • Data for: Scaling up nature-based solutions for climate-change adaptation: potential and benefits in three European cities
    The dataset contains GIS data and JPEG maps of nature-based solution scenarios and related benefits in three case-study cities partners of the H2020 project Naturvation ( Barcelona (Spain), Malmö (Sweden), and Utrecht (the Netherlands). The data were produced as part of the research described in the article “Scaling up nature-based solutions for climate-change adaptation: potential and benefits in three European cities”, published in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127450). The dataset is structured into three main folders, one for each city. Each folder contains six raster maps of land cover under different scenarios, a vector map with the results of the assessment of the selected benefits at the local level, and a sub-folder with the benefit maps printed in JPEG format. The six scenarios include the current condition (Baseline - LC); four scenarios that simulates the full-scale implementation of one specific type of nature-based solutions: installing green roofs (GreenRoofs - GR), de-sealing parking areas (ParkingAreas - PA), enhancing vegetation in urban parks (Parks - PK), and planting street trees (StreetTrees - ST); and a scenario considering the contemporaneous implementation of all four types of nature-based solutions (GreenDream - GD). The simulated full-scale implementation is based on space availability and technical feasibility: other constraints to the implementation of nature-based solutions are not considered. The five benefits assessed include two benefits related to climate change adaptation, i.e. heat mitigation (HM) and runoff reduction (RR), and three co-benefits, namely carbon storage (CS), biodiversity potential (BP), and overall greenness (OG). The vector maps and related JPEG prints show the results of the assessment at the block level. Blocks are based on a modified version of Urban Atlas polygons obtained by removing streets and railroads. Maps have coordinate reference system UTRS89 - LAEA Europe (EPSG:3035) and cover the whole administrative territory of the respective city, excluding the sea. Raster maps are provided in Geotiff format, UInt 16, with a resolution of 1 m. The legend includes eight land cover classes: water (0), trees (1), low vegetation (2), impervious (4), agriculture (5), buildings (10), green roofs (11), vegetation over water (13), permeable parking areas (14). The attribute tables of the vector maps store the value of the selected benefits for each block, together with the links to the original Urban Atlas polygons. Scenarios and benefits are identified by their two-letter codes as reported above. The printed JPEG maps of benefits have a common legend, to allow for comparison between cities.
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  • Data for: Case study: planting methods and beneficial substrate microbes effect on the growth of vegetated roof plant in Finland.
    The dataset reveals the microbial population density of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Rhizophagus irregularis, as well as plant aboveground biomass of microbial co-inoculation treatment and control.
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  • Data for: The good things children notice in nature: An extended framework for reconnecting children with nature
    This data takes the form of statements written by UK primary school children aged 9-11 years, in the "Three Good Things in Nature" writing task that they completed over a 5 day period. Data provided is the raw statements prior to analysis.
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  • Data for: Spatial Prioritization for Urban Biodiversity Quality
    Standard Zonation input and output files for prioritization of urban biodiversity quality in Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland
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  • Data for: Leaf Functional Traits as Predictors of Drought Tolerance in Urban Trees
    The dataset includes raw values for stomatal length (adaxial and abaxial), stomatal density (adaxial and abaxial), and leaf mass per area for all species sampled. Water usage data from WUCOLS (region 1) used in the study is also included.
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  • Data for: Why native trees are not popular in the designed landscape? The cultural tree preference and its influence on the tree biodiversity in the urban public space of Nanjing city, China
    this is a plant list of all the tree species recorded in the built-up area of Nanjing, China
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  • Data for: How Should We Measure the DBH of Multi-Stemmed Urban Trees?
    This dataset contains intensive measurements, as well as locational data, on 569 street trees in Philadelphia, PA, USA, taken in the summer of 2017, in the course of field research for the article “How Should We Measure the DBH of Multi-Stemmed Urban Trees?” Some base data (e.g., year and season of planting, cultivar) is from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's planting records of 2003-2015, from which the Target trees were drawn (cf. article for methodology). The .xlsx file has two worksheets: the data itself, and an extensive metadata tab that explains each column’s contents. The trees themselves are from three genera (Malus, Prunus, and Zelkova); some trees’ cultivar is known (and noted in the dataset); others are unknown, and noted as such. The measurements include mm-accuracy stem diameters taken at a variety of heights (with all heights recorded to the nearest cm), total height and crown width in two directions, as well as a number of environmental and cultivation-linked variables (crown light exposure, vigor, soil dimensions and competing trees, pruning impacts, etc.). This dataset could be used to further explore some of the questions about crown architecture raised by previous researchers. Such questions include urban street tree crown eccentricities (McPherson et al., 2016), environmental characteristics associated with multi-stemmed trees (Bellingham and Sparrow, 2009; Dunphy et al., 2000; Stokes et al., 2011), crown width/DBH relationships (Hemery, 2005), and basal area relationships above and below forking (Matérn, 1990; Minamino and Tateno, 2014; Murray, 1927). Because we also gathered data for each tree pertaining to vigor, crown light exposure, available soil area, and other characteristics, other researchers could use our dataset to examine the roles that such characteristics play in tree sizing and crown architecture. One key question for researchers is which characteristics of allometry transfer from rural to urban forests—and which need amendment or replacement for urban application (McHale et al. 2009).
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  • Data for: Eye movements in viewing urban images and natural images in diverse vegetation periods
    Eye movements in viewing urban images and natural images in diverse vegetation periods. Raw data from the experiment. Number of fixations and fixation durations.
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    Allometry data for urban trees in Norwich and Peterborough, UK
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  • Data for: Urban tree survival and stewardship in a state-managed planting initiative: a case study in Holyoke, Massachusetts
    This file contains the data for our tree inventory. Addresses and recipient names have been removed to maintain anonymity
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