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Journal of Energy Storage

ISSN: 2352-152X

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Datasets associated with articles published in Journal of Energy Storage

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1970 2025
35 results
  • Data for: Analysis and modeling of calendar aging of a commercial LiFePO4/graphite cell
    This data is from a comprehensive calendar aging study on a lithium-ion battery with a test duration of 29 months: Naumann, M. et al.; Analysis and modeling of calendar aging of a commercial LiFePO4/graphite cell; Journal of Power Sources (2020), Volume 451; DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.227666 This aging study was realized with a widely used commercial LiFePO4/graphite cell from Sony/Murata, which promises both long calendar and cycle lifetime, which is especially required for stationary battery applications. The development of the cells’ capacity, as well as the resistances, are shown in a static calendar aging study for 17 test points, each with 3 cells, having constant storage conditions of temperature and state of charge. Based on the measurement data, a semi-empirical aging model is presented for the capacity loss and resistance increase, consisting of only 5 parameters which are valid for all storage conditions. Due to limited space, only a selection of the 17 test points of the calendar aging study are evaluated in the paper. However, this dataset represents the data for evaluation of all 17 test points. The data is grouped into four files representing the different issues of evaluation as given in the section 'Experimental' in the paper.
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  • Data for: The development of stationary battery storage systems in Germany – Status 2020
    The Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ IEK-3) has been collecting the data of large-scale battery storage systems (LSS) in Germany since 2012. It contains location, installed capacity, installed power, investment, battery technology, commissioning date, operational status, area of application, and further information on the different LSS projects. We conducted our research through the evaluation of many press releases, prequalification results for ancillary services and bilateral contact to project planners and owners. The database is constantly updated. It contains both realized and planned BSS. The database is not exhaustive, as not all realized projects have publicly available information that can be included in it. Furthermore, storage systems outside of Germany, which are operating at least partly on the German market, are not included in the database. The project-specific sources are also included in the database to make the extended search for any information easier. The database was published together with our paper "The Development of Stationary Battery Storage Systems in Germany – Status 2020". The database provides an update to the database ( which was published together with our paper "The Development of Stationary Battery Storage Systems in Germany – A Market Review".
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  • Data for: Prediction of Constant Power Delivery of Lithium-Ion Cells at High Loads
    Available energy and available charge are key factors for dimensioning batteries. Discharge duration of a battery and its dependency on discharge current amplitude are well described by Peukert’s law from low to medium current ranges. Other equations describe this dependency up to very high current rates, including the currents occurring during a short circuit. It is not charge and capacity, but energy and power which are the key parameters for dimensioning battery systems. Thus, the available power of battery cells, vs. the discharge duration was investigated from low to high constant power discharge loads. Based on the results of these experiments, a correlation of the maximum discharge duration for low to medium discharge power pulses, similar to the Peukert’s equation was found. Additionally, a new equation is proposed, describing the power range from low to very high discharge power rates. The result of this work simplifies the design of battery systems, its electromechanical components, as well as improves the prediction of available boost power e.g. for hybrid electric vehicles
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  • Data for: Influence of different time horizon-based battery energy management strategies on residential microgrid profitability
    Matlab .mat files which contain solar irradiation, temperature (mean), EPEX SPOT prices history and simulated load for studied location.
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  • Data for: The Development of Stationary Battery Storage Systems in Germany – A Market Review
    The Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ IEK-3) has been collecting the data of large-scale battery storage systems (LSS) in Germany since 2012. It contains location, installed capacity, installed power, investment, battery technology, commissioning date, operational status, area of application, and further information on the different LSS projects. We conducted our research through the evaluation of many press releases, prequalification results for ancillary services and bilateral contact to project planners and owners. The database is constantly updated. It contains both realized and planned BSS. The database is not exhaustive, as not all realized projects have publicly available information that can be included in it. Furthermore, storage systems outside of Germany, which are operating at least partly on the German market, are not included in the database. The project-specific sources are also included in the database to make the extended search for any information easier. The database was published together with our paper "The Development of Stationary Battery Storage Systems in Germany – A Market Review".
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  • Data for: Techno-Economic Assessment of Energy Storage Systems using Annualized Life Cycle Cost of Storage (LCCOS) and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Metrics
    The study presents an adaptive ES cost model that considers long-term, medium-term, and short-term ES applications, technologies and technical characteristics in a financial framework supported by in-market insight, including the capital costs of the technologies; operation and maintenance costs; replacement costs during the lifetime of the system; and disposal and recycling costs, based on the current ES costs from recently published studies, as the ES costs have changed rapidly in the past few years. The data set is the Matlab code of the formulated cost model.
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  • Data for: Comparative life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery chemistries for residential storage
    Supplementary material for "Comparative life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery chemistries for residential storage".
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  • Data for: Repurposed Electric Vehicle Battery Performance in Second-life Electricity Grid Frequency Regulation Service
    These files contain experimental results collected in 2018 during testing of six second-life electric vehicle batteries under a 24-hour frequency regulation (FR) duty-cycle prescribed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). The maximum FR power in the duty-cycle is four times the 4-hour constant-power discharge rate of the battery in question. 'MeasureLogger' files contain 1-second measurement logs collected during each test. 'SummaryLogger' files contain summaries of the measurements collected during each programmed step in the test protocol. The 'Legend' file elaborates on the column headers used in the MeasureLogger and SummaryLogger files, as well as the programmed steps in the test protocol.
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  • Data for: Evaluating N/P Ratio and Prelithiation Strategies for Extending Cyclability in High Capacity PSi-C/LFP Lithium-Ion Batteries
    Electrochemical testing results.
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  • Data for: Synchronous estimation of state of health and remaining useful lifetime for lithium-ion battery using the incremental capacity and artificial neural networks
    NASA lithium battery dataset
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