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1970 2025
46965047 results
  • LINF_050015400
    RING/U-box domain-containing protein; Leishmania infantum (strain JPCM5)
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  • Persistence of subacute ruminal acidosis across lactations in dairy cows based on ruminal pH metrics and microbiota, and systemic health responses
    Supplementary data of the experiment "Persistence of subacute ruminal acidosis across lactations in dairy cows based on ruminal pH metrics and microbiota, and systemic health responses". Data was collected in 2nd lactation dairy cows with a known 1st lactation SARA severity classification during 40%-grain and 65%-grain feeding. Cows were grouped during 1st lactation into HIGH for high SARA severity and LOW for low SARA severity. Free rumen fluid was sampled with a sterile syringe from the ventral rumen sac. Particle associated rumen liquid (PARL) was sampled by collecting rumen content with a sterile long sleeve glove from the ventral, dorsal, caudal, and cranial feed mat and straining it through 4 layers of gauze to receive the fluid. We hypothesized, that the 1st lactation classified SARA severity type would persist in the second lactation. As well as this would be revealed by rumen microbiota, rumen fermentation and systemic health parameter. PARL microbiota were analyzed for beta-diversity. Free rumen -fluid, PARL and feces were analyzed for diurnal fermentation profile. Liver enzymes and acute phase protein concentration were measured in blood. The supplementary data shows a differentiation of SARA severity groups for beta-diversity. Furthermore, when introducing the 65%-grain diet, the liver enzymes increased and indicate a threat to liver health, while stress and acute phase proteins stayed on same levels. Additionally, the supplementary data offer further insight on diurnal variations of the ruminal fermentation profile and blood parameter concentrations.
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  • Artemisia capillaris Thunb Aqueous Extract regulates the structure of intestinal microbiota and improves the efficiency of bile acid cycling to improve MASLD in mice
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  • Supplementary material: visualization of experimental delamination in DCB and CDP test and tomography
    These videos present different stages of the DCB test and tomographic analysis, allowing a complete visualization of the delamination process in the material. Through this supplementary material, it is possible to obtain a global and dynamic understanding of the behavior of the material during the test, beyond what a single static image can offer. This material is supplementary to the article "Experimental strategies to improve composite delamination response bypromoting dissipation mechanisms at different length scales" DOI
    • Dataset
  • ERMES 20.0: Open-source finite element tool for computational electromagnetics in the frequency domain
    ERMES 20.0 is an open-source software which solves the Maxwell's equations in frequency domain with the Finite Element Method (FEM). The new ERMES 20.0 is a significant upgrade from the previous ERMES 7.0 [1]. It introduces new features, modules, and FEM formulations to address the challenging problems commonly encountered in the design and analysis of nuclear fusion reactors [2]. Key additions are the electrostatic and cold plasma module, along with new FEM formulations as the stabilized double-curl edge element formulation [3] and the local L^2 projection method with nodal and bubble elements [4,5]. Furthermore, all the formulations now include an A-V potentials version. The ample set of methods available in the new ERMES 20.0 allows the user to select the most suitable FEM formulation to generate the best possible conditioned matrix for each specific problem. ERMES 20.0 operates in the static, quasi-static and the high-frequency regimens, making it a versatile tool which can be used in a wide variety of situations. For instance, it had been applied to microwave engineering, bioelectromagnetics, and electromagnetic compatibility. Now, thanks to the new electrostatic and cold plasma modules, the range of applications has been extended to relevant nuclear fusion engineering problems as: the computation of induced forces, plasma control, probability estimation of electric arc initiation, current distribution in arbitrary geometries, and the study of electromagnetic wave-plasma-wall interactions inside a fusion reactor. ERMES 20.0 is available for Windows and Linux systems and it has improved its capabilities to solve large problems on High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructures thanks to its new interface with the solver libraries PETSc [6] and Python NumPy [7]. As in previous versions, ERMES 20.0 features a graphical user-friendly interface integrated into the pre- and post-processor GiD [8]. GiD handles geometrical modeling, data input, meshing, and result visualization. ERMES 20.0 is licensed under the open-source software 2-clause BSD license. This document is accompanied by a comprehensive manual that provides a step-by-step installation guide, a detailed description of all the new features and formulations, as well as the executables, user interface, examples, and source code of ERMES 20.0.
    • Dataset
  • Field-aged Pyrogenic Carbon Migration Enhances Electrochemical Capacities in Deep Soil: A Decade of Evidence
    This data set includes the "Field-aged Pyrogenic Carbon Migration Enhances Electrochemical Capacities in Deep Soil: Important data covered in the manuscript include pyrogenic carbon, pyrogenic carbon after aging, and the topsoil to the deep soil of the depth at 0-200 cm for both control soil and pyrogenic carbon amended soils.
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  • Dataset preguntas orientadoras para un estudio de diagnóstico en Educación Superior en Colombia.
    Este dataset lista las fuentes secundarias con preguntas orientadoras para un estudio diagnóstico, desarrollado en el marco de la estructura curricular institucional para el diseño de planes de estudio de acuerdo con el modelo Hilda Taba.
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    This data set includes self-report measures of perceived narrative coherence, emotion regulation difficulties, social support, and psychological well-being.
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  • The Effect of Stigmatization on Working Nurses' Willingness to Care for Patients with Psoriasis
    The database contains information from 1,873 nurses recruited from 10 hospitals in Shaanxi Province (between August and October 2023), aimed at identifying key mediators and enhancing our understanding of the factors influencing nurses' caregiving attitudes toward psoriasis patients. The inclusion criteria included:(1) Registered clinical nurses who had been employed for≥3 months;(2) agreed to participate in the study. After obtaining the nurses' consent and completing the demographic information, the nurses were required to observe eight standardized images of patients with psoriasis before proceeding to complete the questionnaire. Initially, a large sample of 1946 nurses participated in the study. However, 73 questionnaires were excluded from the final analysis due to incomplete responses or excessively short completion times (<1 minute). Consequently, a total of 1873 nurses were included in the study, resulting in a response rate of 96.2%.
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  • Archive2025Feb_6
    Raw data_MRC_Archive2025Feb_part_2
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