Tilburg University Showcase
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2476 results
- Data for "Extracting Extrapolative Beliefs from Market Prices: An Augmented Present-Value Approach"This folder contains the code and manual for the replication of the results in "Extracting Extrapolative Beliefs from Market Prices: An Augmented Present-Value Approach"
- Dataset
- Strategic Insider Trading and its Consequences for Outsiders: Evidence from the Eighteenth Century
- Dataset
- FINEC-D-23-00516_Leong-Li-Pavanini-Walsh_The-Effects-of-Policy-Interventions-to-Limit-Illegal-Money-LendingThis archive contains the code that replicates the all of the results in “The Effects of Policy Interventions to Limit Illegal Money Lending” by Kaiwen Leong, Huailu Li, Nicola Pavanini and Christoph Walsh, published by the Journal of Financial Economics (FINEC-D-23-00516). The readme file in the attachment provides all the information regarding the data and the replication codes.
- Dataset
- Effects of Advertising Exposure Duration and Frequency Depend on Ad TypicalityThe dataset was collected in an experiment to test whether atypical ads have a higher identification threshold than typical ads, and whether these thresholds determine the effectiveness of repeated exposures. The results show that controlling for the total exposure time, typical ads do well with more frequent but shorter exposures, whereas atypical ads benefit most from less frequent but longer exposures.
- Dataset
- The Efficacy of Positive Psychological and Other Resource-Building Interventions on Sexual (Dys)Function Compared to Psychotherapies and no Intervention: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis1. (xlsx-file) Extracted raw data from included studies and ROB assessment 2. (qmd) Data analysis in Rstudio
- Dataset
- Replication code for "Dynamic Asset (Mis)Pricing: Build-up versus Resolution Anomalies"Replication code for the paper “Dynamic Asset (Mis)Pricing: Build-up versus Resolution Anomalies” by Binsbergen, Boons, Opp and Tamoni
- Dataset
- Inventor Triad Dynamics and Invention Quality DatasetVariables for regression of the study on the relation between inventor triad dynamics and invention quality
- Dataset
- FINEC-D-21-00382_Ioannidou-Pavanini-Peng_Collateral-and-Asymmetric-Information-in-Lending-MarketsThis folders contains simulated data, codes, and programs to estimate the models and run the counterfactuals of the "Collateral and Asymmetric Information in Lending Markets" by Vasso Ioannidou, Nicola Pavanini, Yushi Peng, accepted for publication at the Journal of Financial Economics in 2021.
- Dataset
- Data for: Optimization incentives in experimental dilemma games with strategic complementsData Potters and Suetens - Optimization incentives in dilemma games with strategic complementarity
- Dataset
- Resource-richness and economic growth in contemporary U.S.Files for replication of the paper "Resource-richness and economic growth in contemporary U.S."
- Dataset