Problem Instances for z-block k-crane Scheduling Model in a Yard Terminal
Problem Instances and Experimental Results for z-block k-crane Scheduling Model in a Yard Terminal Data Abstract: 0. Problem Instances - K: Number of cranes - Z: Number of blocks - B: Number of bays within a block - BL: The far-left bay of blocks - BR: The far-right bay of blocks - CBL: The crane operating range left - CBR: The crane operating range right - unit: The constant processing time of a single container operation (or movement) by a yard crane - clearance: The minimum safety distance between two adjacent YCs - N: Number of tasks, including dummy tasks - T: Number of time steps in the planning time horizon - release: The release time of task i - bay: The bay location of task i - row: The row location of task i - tier: The initial layer location of task i. If i is on the top of the stack, then 1 - obs: the time steps required for cranes to move a slot outside of blocks 1. Experimental Results MIP (CPLEX) - Directory information: problem type (x_block k_crane) / obs (1 or 2) / problem size (n-06 ~ n-12) / problem number (1~5) - Problem number folder information - figure.png: A figure of crane trajectory - log.txt: Engine log of Cplex Optimization Studio - ~.out files: input data which used in - python file to generate "figure.png" 2. Experimental Results GA-CBS (Java) - Directory information: problem type (z_block k_crane) / obs (1 or 2) - File information - problem_n##.txt: BSF and program run time for problem instances with ## number of tasks - problem_n##_##.png: The plot of BSF for the problem