Foaming properties and olfactory profile of fermented chickpea aquafaba and its application in vegan chocolate mousse
1) Foaming properties: This dataset contains data of a dynamic foam analyzer. 3 samples were analyzed: chickpea aquafaba (AQ), chickpea aquafaba fermented with Lentinula edodes (LED), and chickpea aquafaba fermented with Antrodia xantha (AXA). Measured parameters were: initial bubble size, initial medium bubble size, initial bubble radius, final number of bubbles, final medium bubble size, final medium bubble radius. 2) Profiles: Sensory profiling has been conducted according to DIN EN ISO 13299:2016-09 with 12 trained judges. 3 samples of chickpea aquafaba (pure aquafaba, aquafaba fermented with Lentinula edodes, aquafaba fermented with Antrodia xantha) and 3 samples of chocolate mousse prepared with these 3 aquafabas were profiled. The sensory software RedJade® (RedJade Sensory Solutions, LLC, Pleasant Hill California, USA) was used. 3) Acceptance: A consumer test was conducted (n = 120; mean age = 31; range: 8 to 75 years; 72 females, 48 males). Sequential monadic evaluation of the three following mousse samples: mousse prepared with unfermented chickpea aquafaba, mousse prepared with aquafaba fermented with Lentinula edodes, and mousse prepared with aquafaba fermented with Antrodia xantha. Data are described in German in the tables.