Power Transformer Risk Assessment - Inference Rules

Published: 29 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hs9dfc7g6t.1
Andres Romero


This dataset includes the fuzzy inference rules created for two FIS that allow determining the consequence factor of the failure of power transformer and its risk index. These rules should be used as a reference of the article "A Fuzzy Inference-based Approach for Estimating Power Transformers Risk Index".


Steps to reproduce

The inference rules reported in the word file can be implemented in matlab (using the fuzzy logic toolbox) or in python (using the fuzzy-logic-toolbox library, see: https://pypi.org/project/fuzzy-logic-toolbox/). The required membership functions are detailed in the article: A Fuzzy Inference-based Approach for Estimating Power Transformers Risk Index


Universidad Nacional de San Juan


Fuzzy Logic, Power Transformer, Risk, Asset Management
