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Acta Psychologica

ISSN: 0001-6918

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Datasets associated with articles published in Acta Psychologica

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1970 2025
28 results
  • Data for: Distorted Perceptual Face Maps
    The attached files include x/y pixel coordinate data for both the hand and face tasks, as well as distance in both pixels and cm for pairs of landmarks used in analyses reported in the paper.
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Influence of Global Precedence on Spatial Stroop Effect
    Data for two experiments
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Listeners are better at predicting speakers similar to themselves
    This is a dataset comprising the timings of people's predictions of the end of speech turns, and spoken responses to speech turns, either recorded by themselves, a similar speaker, or a dissimilar speaker.
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Reasoning about Epistemic Possibilities
    The data accompanying the research on how humans reason about modals
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Can mental time lines co-exist in 3D space?
    Result Data for each experiment.
    • Dataset
  • Data for: The influence of cognitive load on susceptibility to audio
    This data and scripts can be used to replicate the statistics and graphs. ## Verb_fP3.csv ## This file contains the average activation in microvolt at location FCz for each of the 13 participants for 0, 200, 400 ms ISI and baseline Both the separate data for standard and novel (column fP3) and novel - standard (column MINSTD, only calculated for the NOV conditions) time (column time) refers to the time in ms relative to the oddball probe onset. ## Verb_RT.csv ## This file contains the average reaction time noun onset to speech onset for each of the 13 participants for 0, 200, 400 ms ISI both for standard and novel. Each row contains the data of one participant. ## Verb_fP3_Analysis.R ## This is the script for R statistics ( This script reads Verb_fP3.csv and includes sections that run an ANOVA and generate the plots from the paper
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Visual search inverts the classic Stroop asymmetry
    Spreadsheet containing data from five experiments looking at the classic Stroop asymmetry.
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Sandwiched visual stimuli are perceived as shorter than the stimulus alone
    Please see my paper titled " Sandwiched visual stimuli are perceived as shorter than the stimulus alone."
    • Dataset
  • Data for: Distance Perception Warped by Social Structure: Social Interaction Information Compresses Distance
    Raw data for two experiments for the paper "Distance Perception Warped by Social Structure: Social Interaction Information Compresses Distance"
    • Dataset
  • Data for: The Role of Forgetting Cues in Directed Forgetting: Ceasing Maintenance Rehearsal
    There are four data files in this compressed file. Data 1 shows the memory recognition accuracies for four cue-type words (M-R: maintenance-remembering; M-F: maintenance-forgetting; M: maintenance; F: forgetting) and false alarm (FA) for new words from forty participants in Experiment 1. Specifically, the participant column shows the serial number of participants; the M-R, M-F, M, and F columns separately show the recognition memory performance of M-R, M-F, M, and F words for each participant; the FA column shows the FA of new words for each subject. Data 2 shows the memory recognition accuracies for three cue-type words (M-R, M-F, and F words) and FA for new words from twenty participants in Experiment 2. Specifically, the participant column shows the serial number of participants; the F, M-R, and M-F columns separately show the recognition memory performance of F, M-R, and M-F words for each participant; the FA column shows the FA of new words for each subject. Data 3 shows the potentials of ERPs time-locked to cue onset (four types of cues: M-R, M-F, M, and F cues) during the 200–400 ms time window at nine recording sites (F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, and P4) in Experiment 2. Specifically, the File column shows the serial number of participants; the F3F, F3M, F3M-R, and F3M-F columns separately show the potentials of ERPs elicited by F, M, M-R, and M-F cues at F3 electrode site for each participant; Similarly, the remaining columns in turn show the potentials of ERPs elicited by F, M, M-R, and M-F cues at the F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, Fz, Cz, and Pz electrode sites for each participant. Data 4 shows the potentials of ERPs time-locked to cue onset (four types of cues: M-R, M-F, M, and F cues) during the 400–600 ms time window at nine recording sites (F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, and P4) in Experiment 2. Specifically, the File column shows the serial number of participants; the F3F, F3M, F3M-R, and F3M-F columns separately show the potentials of ERPs elicited by F, M, M-R, and M-F cues at F3 electrode site for each participant; Similarly, the remaining columns in turn show the potentials of ERPs elicited by F, M, M-R, and M-F cues at the F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, Fz, Cz, and Pz electrode sites for each participant. The supplementary material file provides the ERP analysis performed with 54 trials randomly chosen from M and F trials to fit M-R/M-F condition in Experiment 2.
    • Dataset