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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

ISSN: 0168-1923

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Datasets associated with articles published in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

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1970 2025
64 results
  • Data for: Coupling land surface and crop models to estimate the effects of changes in the growing season on energy balance and water use of rice paddies
    This dataset is the original data of the field observation used in the paper “Coupling land surface and crop models to estimate the effects of changes in the growing season on energy balance and water use of rice paddies” and “Diurnal and seasonal variation in bulk stomatal conductance of the rice canopy and its dependence on developmental stage” by Maruyama. The dataset includes meteorological data, flux data, vegetation data, and soil data for rice paddies in three locations (Saito, Saga, and Aso) in Kyushu, Japan. The dataset contains one year of data for Saito and Saga, and two years of data for Aso. The total duration of the data is 4 years (4 rice cultivation years). The data stored in each file is as follows. 1. MetFlux_60min.csv: Meteorological and flux data of paddy fields at 60-minute intervals 2. MetFlux_1day.csv: Meteorological and flux data of paddy fields at 1-day intervals 3. Vegetation.csv: Vegetation data of paddy fields 4. Soil.csv: Soil property data of paddy fields 5. DataDetails.txt: A text file with details of the data
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  • Data for: Impact of partial harvest on CH4 and N2O balances of a drained boreal peatland forest
    automatic_chambers_ch4_flux_data.xls contains the daily mean CH4 fluxes measured by the automatic chambers. automatic_chambers_n2o_flux_data.xls contains the daily mean N2O fluxes measured by the automatic chambers. ditch_fluxes.xls contains the fluxes measured from the ditches. logging_trail_flux_data.xls contains the fluxes measured from the logging trail plots. transect_fluxes.xls contains the fluxes measured from the transects. WTL_automatic_chambers.xls contains the water table level data measured next to the automatic chambers. WTL_forest.xls contains the water table level data measured in several locations at Lettosuo. WTL_transect.xls contains the water table level data measured at the transects.
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  • Responses to alternative harvesting practices in drained peatland forest: water table level and spruce needle chlorophyll fluorescence
    Data used in the research article “Vegetation controls of water and energy balance of a drained peatland forest: responses to alternative harvesting practices” (Haahti et al., AFM 2020): spruce_Fv_FM.csv contains the ratio of variable chlorophyll fluorescence to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) measured from current-year and one-year-old spruce needles in the partial harvested (n=50) and the non-harvested (n=20) stand during two post-treatment growing seasons. WTL.csv contains the processed daily water table level as distance from the soil surface (mean, maximum, minimum) for the non-harvested stand (2010-2018) and for the clear-cut and partial harvested sites (2016-2018).
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  • Data for: Copula-Based Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Extreme Climatic Events‎: ‎Case Study of Frost in Malayer Vineyards
    This paper, for the first time, outlines a robust probabilistic mathematical model for risk assessment of frost in vineyards due to extreme climatic conditions. Given the complicated, non-linear, and multifaceted meteorological nature of the frost problem in agricultural settings, the mathematical model described in this paper was successful in identifying and quantifying the risk and uncertainties associated with the frost events in vineyards. The mathematical model described in this paper was successfully tested for an area of exceptional international value for grapes and raisin production. The case study of this paper focused on vineyards and grape production in Malayer region in Iran, which is recognized by FAO as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). The comprehensive analysis of risk assessment and predictive models.
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  • Isotopic_ET_evapotranspiration_in_Tallgrass_Prairie
    This dataset are prepared for the following study: Sun, X., Wilcox, B.P., Zou, C.B., Stebler, E., West, J.B., Wyatt, B.M., 2021. Isotopic partitioning of evapotranspiration in a mesic grassland during two wetting-drying episodes. Agric. For. Meteorol. The data contains several folders, containing the following data: ET flux data and its related biometeorology data from eddy covariance system; Isotopic composition of rain collected from precipitation events in 2016 at Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA; Isotopic composition of water extracted from soil and plant (leaf, stem, and root) samples; Isotopic composition of water vapor measured by laser spectroscopy (Picarro).
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  • Data for: Multiple-globe thermometer for measuring the air temperature without an aspirated radiation shield
    This dataset is the original data of the field experiment conducted in the paper “Multiple-globe thermometer for measuring the air temperature without an aspirated radiation shield” by Maruyama. The dataset includes meteorological data of the weather station in the Yawara rice field, temperature data of the standard thermometer, and temperature data of the developed thermometer. The temperature data of the developed thermometer include temperatures of the five globes with different diameters of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mm. The diameter of the smallest globe in this experiment slightly deviated from 0.25 mm owing to the hand-processing of thermocouples, and the actual diameter was 0.28 mm. Ten-minute data are average values of the temperature measured every 10 s for 10 min. One-minute data are raw values of the temperature sampled every 1 min. One-hour data are the meteorological data of the weather station. A calculation sample containing exact formula and simple formula for obtaining the air temperature by the five-globe thermometer and three-globe thermometer are also included. Symbols in the dataset denote the following elements. Tair: Air temperature observed at the weather station (°C) RH: Relative humidity observed at the weather station (%) U: Wind speed observed at the weather station (m/s) Rs: Solar radiation observed at the weather station (W/m2) STD: Air temperature observed using a standard thermometer (°C) T1: Temperature of the globe with a 0.25-mm diameter (°C) T2: Temperature of the globe with a 0.5-mm diameter (°C) T3: Temperature of the globe with a 1-mm diameter (°C) T4: Temperature of the globe with a 2-mm diameter (°C) T5: Temperature of the globe with a 4-mm diameter (°C) 5GT: Air temperature obtained by the five-globe thermometer (°C) 3GT: Air temperature obtained by the three-globe thermometer (°C) 5GTs: Air temperature obtained by the five-globe thermometer using simple formula (°C) 3GTs: Air temperature obtained by the three-globe thermometer using simple formula (°C) Simple formulas are based on the Eq. (5) in the paper, and the air temperature Ta can be calculated as Ta = 0.6907 T1 + 0.5279 T2 + 0.2977 T3 - 0.0279 T4 - 0.4884 T5, (for the five-globe thermometer) Ta = T1 + 0.5 (T3 - T5), (for the three-globe thermometer)
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  • Data for: Topographically induced variation of microclimatic and soil conditions drives ground vegetation diversity in managed Scots pine stands on inland dunes
    The data set presents results of the survey conducted in 151 plots located in three topographical positions on inland dunes in the Toruń Basin (N Poland; D – intra-dune depressions: 45 plots, N – north-facing slopes: 53 plots, S – south-facing slopes: 53 plots). In each plot, which covered 400 m2, composition of herbaceous species was determined based on presence/absence (1/0) of particular taxa; furthermore, cover of herb and moss layer was determined using percentage scale. The studied dunes were overgrown with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) production mono-stands being at the age from 5 to 161 years.
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  • Data for: Sun zenith angular impact of vegetation clumping on site level photosynthesis
    This contains all output files generated by JULES, all python scripts used to generate the figures in the paper. If you have any further questions please email
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  • Data for: Effects of disturbance patterns and deadwood on the microclimate in European beech forests
    Forest microclimate data derived for 45 plots during four consecutive years (2016 - 2019)
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  • Data for: "Advancing simulations of water fluxes, soil moisture and drought stress by using the LWF-Brook90 hydrological model in R"
    This supplementary material contains daily observations of soil water storage (2011-2012), meteorological data (1980-2013), and soil data from a poplar short rotation coppice located in Kaufering, Germany (folder "Input"). The data were used to conduct sensitivity analysis and Bayesian model calibration of the SVAT model LWF-Brook90 implemented in the LWFBrook90R R-package. The results of these simulations and calibrations are also included, so that the examples from the Appendix C and D of the manuscript can be reproduced without running the long computations.
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