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- Data for: High Performance and Low Thermal Expansion in Er-Fe-V-Mo Dual-Phase AlloysThese are some detalied synchrotron XRD, thermal expansion, and in-situ neutron diffraction results.
- Dataset
- Data for: Fabrication of bimorph lead zirconate titanate thick films on metal substrates via the cold sintering process"PZT on Cu post anneal T XRD" is the raw data for the XRD of PZT on Cu. "PZT on Cu tape C-D" is the dielectric permittivity-loss of PZT on Cu. "Dixiong Wang EDS_Site 3_Ti K series" is the EDS line scan of as cold sintered PZT on Cu. "Dixiong Wang EDS_post sinter Site 2_Ti K series" is the EDS line scan of cold sintered and 800 C post-annealed PZT on Cu. "PZT on Ni C-D" is the permittivity-loss vs frequency of cold sintered and 700 C post-annealed PZT on LNO/HfO2/Ni. "LNO_HfO2_Ni 700_900C XRD" is the XRD of LNO/HfO2/Ni foil annealed at different temperatures.
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- Data for: Active Grain Growth Control with Distributed Heating# List of Data Sets 5 sets of data are included in total: 1. output_feedback/consensus_tracking: Figure 7 (a) (b) 2. output_feedback/consensus_only: Figure 7 (c) (d) 3. MPC/consensus_tracking: Figure 9 (a) (b) 4. MPC/consensus_only: Figure 9 (c) (d) 5. inner_outer_loop/consensus_only: Figure 10 (c) (d) # Description of Dataset Every data set contains 5 files: 1. input_current.txt: 11 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 10 columns input current to the heater array (unit: mA) 2. temp_profile.txt: 32 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 31 columns store copper surface temperature at 31 node coordinates (find node coordinates in temp_cor.txt). Temperature unit: degree Kelvin 3. profile_gs.txt: 101 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 100 columns store grain size profile at 100 coordinates (find grain size profile coordinates in gs_cor.txt). Grain size unit: micrometer. 4. zone_gs.txt: 11 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 10 columns store squared grain size in 10 zones (unit micrometer^2) 5. temp_cor.txt: coordinates of temperature profile nodes. Unit: mm 6. gs_cor.txt: coordinates of grain size profile nodes. Unit: mm
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- Data for: Nanocalorimetry and ab initio study of ternary elements in CuZr-based shape memory alloyThe rar file contains two excel sheets and one gif image. The excel sheets are experimental data on transformation temperatures and computational data on lattice parameters and energies. The gif image is transformation pathway from CuZr B2 to Cm.
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- Data for: An integrated experimental and computational study of diffusion and atomic mobility of the aluminum-magnesium systemThe files are for Data in Brief for article: Ms. No. A-19-1478 An integrated experimental and computational study of diffusion and atomic mobility of the aluminum-magnesium system.
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- Data for: The Effect of Mo on Load Partitioning and Microstrain Evolution During Compression of a Series of Polycrystalline Ni-Based SuperalloysThe "Summary Information" Excel spreadsheet contains: Tab "Neutron Data" - The run numbers of each diffraction dataset along with the alloy and the applied compressive load at which it was acquired. Tab " Loading Rig Data" - The cross head position and applied compressive load for each alloy investigated during in situ neutron diffraction. Tab "Composition" - The measured bulk alloy composition for each alloy as determined by SEM EDX. Tab "Precipitate size" - The area of precipitates measured for each alloy. Note that between 128 and 345 individual precipitates were sampled. The "Neutron Raw Data" .zip archive contains text files of each of the individual neutron diffraction datasets as defined in the "Neutron Data" tab of the "Summary Information" Excel spreadsheet.
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- Data for: Modern Data Analytics Approach to Predict Creep of High-Temperature AlloysORNL's alumina-forming austenitic (AFA) alloy creep dataset augmented with phase equilibrium information computed from TCFE9 database as implemented in Thermo-Calc software.
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- Data for: Hierarchically-structured large superelastic deformation in ferroelastic-ferroelectricsData in Brief for "Hierarchically-structured large superelastic deformation in ferroelastic-ferroelectrics", by Yu Deng, et al.
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- Data for: On the Measurement of Dislocations and Dislocation Structures using EBSD and HRSD TechniquesIn the attached folder we provide all the necessary files to perform GND calculations as explained in our accompanied Acta Materialia paper. We also provide an example of how to run the calculation, and how to find the results for plotting. Please follow the GNDcalc_readme file.
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- Data for: Designing rare-earth free permanent magnets in Heusler alloys via interstitial dopingThis is the magnetic anisotropy calculations
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