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Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

ISSN: 1567-4223

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Datasets associated with articles published in Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

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1970 2025
6 results
  • Data for: Effectiveness Evaluation of Online Advertisements with a Two- stage Method Based on Gaussian Filter and Decision Tree
    14 Datasets used in experiments contain user data of the day of online advertisements from a cross-border e-commerce enterprise from September 1st (9.01) to September 14th (9.14), 2018. Table 3 summarizes the 14 datasets. Each instance of the datasets represents the corresponding online advertisement and is described by 22 attributes.
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  • Data for: Forecasting Peer-to-Peer Platform Default Rate with LSTM Neural Network
    This study adopts borrower data disclosed by US P2P lending platform Lending Club as data source, ranges from 2008 to 2015, since most of the loans issued in this period have been already paid off. We first calculate the average default rate of the monthly fresh loans as the dependent variable, then shift one to four delayed period of this average default as independent variables.
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  • Data for: Business models of FinTechs - Difference in similarity?
    This dataset contains data that was used in the paper titled "Business models of FinTechs – Difference in similarity?". The data is mainly based on the input obtained through surveys, which were carried out in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia amongst local FinTechs from February 2019 to January 2020. This file contains anonymised results of the survey. Responses to questions, which were not of relevance to the paper and contained more sensitive data on the companies, have been removed from this file. Some fields (variables starting dc_, dt_ and vp_) have been backfilled following the survey by the authors of the final paper. The file contains also many figures which have been mainly composed based on the results of the surveys and which were not included in the final paper. These figures are linked to the sections of the final paper, which are mentioned on the top of each sheet.
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  • Data for: Understanding online fashion retailers (OFR) in India: A multi-criteria decision approach
    The data depicts the practices of decision making in online fashion retail.
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  • Data for: Fintechs: A Literature Review and Research Agenda
    *** The file "20180220Fintechs.start" was an input file to StArt (StArt - Systematic Review (SR) is a technique used to search for evidence in scientific literature that is conducted in a formal manner, applying well-defined steps, according to a previously elaborated protocol. As the SR has many steps and activities, its execution is laborious and repetitive. Therefore, the support of a computational tool is essential to improve the quality of its application. Therefore, a tool called StArt (State of the Art through Systematic Review) was developed, which aims to help the researcher, giving support to the application of this technique. The StArt tool has being used by graduate students who have declared its positive support and its advantages in relation to other tools.) DOWNLOAD SITE: Available: "" - Accessed 17 Sep 2018. *** The file "20180321AmostraWofSc & Scopus-UpdatedSample.xlsx" is an excel spreadsheet used to record the sample jobs and perform quantitative data searches and treatment especially to answer Research Question 1 and the questions derived from it.
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  • Dataset: "Balancing consumer and business value of recommender systems: A simulation-based analysis"
    The data files in this directory contain to the results of the simulations reported in the paper: "Balancing Consumer and Business Value of Recommender Systems: A Simulation-based Analysis" published in Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. The paper is available here:
    • Dataset