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1970 2025
47702379 results
  • Study of Ge and core/shell Ge/Al quantum dot lattices in amorphous SiC matrix for application in photo- and thermo- sensitive devices
    The files contain GISAXS, GIWAXS, quantum efficiency (QE), Optical (n,k), current-voltage (I-V, dark- and photo- current) and temperature-electrical resistance (TR) data measured on Ge and Ge/Al core/shell quantum dots in SiC matrix.
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  • Raw_images_Microtubule organization and tubulin post-translational modifications in intact tissues and during regeneration in calcareous sponges
    Raw images used in the manuscript's figures. Microtubules are the principal cytoskeletal component in cells, integral to various morphogenetic processes in Metazoa, including cell migration, adhesion, and polarity. Their dynamics and functions are modulated by tubulin post-translational modifications (PTMs). While studies on model species have provided insights into microtubule functions, understanding their evolutionary aspects necessitates exploring non-model organisms. Sponges (phylum Porifera) are an early-branching metazoan group with outstanding regenerative capacities. This research presents the first comprehensive analysis of microtubule organization and tubulin PTMs in calcareous sponges. The intact sponge cells show various but typical types of microtubule organization, while detected tubulin PTMs are associated with certain cell types, indicating specific functions in particular cellular contexts. During regeneration, relying on the coordinated movement of epithelial-like cell sheets, microtubule networks in exopinacocytes and choanocytes undergo significant reorganization. These rearranged microtubules potentially stabilize cellular migration direction and facilitate cargo transport, essential for cell contact and polarity establishment. This study enhances our understanding of microtubule functionality and regulation in early-diverging metazoans, contributing to the broader evolutionary context of cytoskeletal dynamics.
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  • Microbiome T1D
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  • Maximizing cost savings and clinical outcomes of meropenem_dataset
    A retrospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary-care private hospital in Saudi Arabia between April 2022 and December 2023. Meropenem utilization was assessed quarterly based on predefined key indicators to evaluate compliance with antimicrobial stewardship guidelines; Q1-2022 served as a baseline for comparison. Consumption was measured in defined daily doses (DDD) per 1,000 patient-days, and cost analysis was performed using Antimicrobial Cost Per Patient Day (ACPD). The main outcome measures included clinical improvement within 72 hours and transfer or discharge in good clinical condition. The data showed significant improvement in several clinical outcome indicators as well as reduction in meropenem cost. 1000
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  • Lean manufacturing, the road to green and sustainable production - A bibliometric analysis
    This file contains the bibliometric analysis for the article entitled “Lean manufacturing, the road to green and sustainable production - A bibliometric analysis”
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  • atividade02
    1. Área de Aplicação: O tema das renúncias fiscais é de extrema relevância para a área de finanças públicas e políticas fiscais. Compreender a distribuição e os valores das renúncias fiscais pode auxiliar na avaliação da eficácia das políticas públicas e seu impacto econômico. 2. Potencial de Análise: Este dataset oferece um vasto campo para análises diversas, como a identificação dos setores mais beneficiados, a evolução das renúncias fiscais ao longo dos anos e a correlação entre renúncias fiscais e indicadores econômicos. #### Passos Seguidos para Publicação 1. Extração dos Dados: Os dados foram obtidos diretamente do portal, onde estão disponíveis em formato aberto. 2. Limpeza e Tratamento dos Dados: Os dados brutos foram analisados e tratados para correção de inconsistências, preenchimento de lacunas e remoção de duplicatas, garantindo sua integridade e qualidade. 3. Análise Exploratória: Realizou-se uma análise exploratória inicial para entender a distribuição dos dados e identificar possíveis padrões ou anomalias. 4. Documentação: Os passos seguidos durante a limpeza e análise dos dados foram documentados minuciosamente para garantir a reprodutibilidade dos resultados. 5. Publicação: O dataset tratado e a documentação foram então publicados em uma plataforma de compartilhamento de dados abertos, com a devida atribuição ao portal #### Sugestões de Possíveis Aplicações dos Dados 1. Avaliação de Políticas Públicas: Utilizar os dados para avaliar a eficácia das políticas fiscais e seu impacto no desenvolvimento econômico e social. 2. Estudos Acadêmicos: Pesquisadores podem utilizar os dados para estudos acadêmicos sobre a relação entre renúncias fiscais e desempenho econômico de setores específicos. 3. Transparência e Controle Social: Disponibilizar os dados para a sociedade civil e órgãos de controle pode aumentar a transparência na gestão pública e permitir o monitoramento das políticas fiscais. 4. Planejamento Orçamentário: Governos podem usar os dados para planejar melhor o orçamento, ajustando as renúncias fiscais conforme os resultados das análises.
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  • Paper ICAAEEI Semester 7
    Paper ICAAEEI Semester 7 - Final Report Enrichment
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  • Dataset for paper: 20th-century ecological disasters in central European monoculture pine plantations led to critical transitions in peatlands
    This dataset includes palaeoecological and geochemical data from Miały peatland that were published in the paper: Bąk, M., Lamentowicz, M., Kołaczek, P., Wochal, D., Jakubowicz, M., Andrews, L., Marcisz, K.: 20th-century ecological disasters in central European monoculture pine plantations led to critical transitions in peatlands. The study was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant 2020/39/D/ST10/00641. The data set includes several proxies: - 14C dates and peat accumulation rates, bulk density - Testate amoebae and depth to water table reconstruction - Pollen and NPP - Plant macrofossils - Macroscopic and microscopic charcoal - Neodymium isotope records
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  • Supplementary material: microplastics in sediment of Alagados Reservoir
    Data on the number of microplastics in the sediment of Alagados Reservoir and sediment characterization ("Microplastics in Alagados Reservoir.xlsx".
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  • Supplementary Video for "Clarity in a click"
    Supplementary Video for "Clarity in a click: Sharing patient education handouts using electronic medical record tools at a nail specialty clinic."
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